Questo documento è redatto per fornire informazioni sulle misure adottate dall'Hotel Barocco, in materia di COVID-19.

Il documento delinea una serie minima di norme che abbiamo stabilito in termini di sicurezza e sanificazione per proteggere il benessere dei nostri ospiti, partner commerciali e colleghi, dal rischio di contagio da COVID-19.
Questo documento è stato preparato sulla base delle informazioni attualmente disponibili su COVID-19.


Questo documento è valido per l'Hotel Barocco e le nostre precauzioni vengono coerentemente applicate e mantenute fino alla pubblicazione di nuove linee guida da parte del nostro Governo.

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Formalità: per i nostri ospiti prenotati in anticipo, tutte le formalità per il check-in saranno completate online, ove possibile, al fine di ridurre i contatti e i tempi alla reception.

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Controllo della temperatura: al momento del check-in a tutti gli ospiti sarà rilevata la temperatura.

Disinfezione delle mani: incoraggiamo l'igiene delle mani obbligatoria all'arrivo e forniremo un disinfettante per le mani.

Ospiti febbrili: gli ospiti che al momento del check-in avranno una temperatura superiore a 37,5 °C non potranno accedere in albergo. Qualora venga accertata ad un ospite in casa una temperatura superiore a 37,5 °C verrà invitato a rientrare immediatamente nella sua stanza, in attesa dell’intervento delle autorità sanitarie.

Disinfezione dei bagagli: disinfetteremo l'esterno dei bagagli con un agente antimicrobico di livello medico assicurando che i bagagli rimangano chiusi e/o sigillati.

Fornitura di DPI agli ospiti all'arrivo: forniremo mascherine qualora gli ospiti ne siano sprovvisti.

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DPI per receptionist: l'uso della mascherina chirurgica non è necessario per il personale in presenza di barriera in pexiglass.

DPI per facchini: l'uso della mascherina chirurgica è obbligatorio.

Distanziamento sociale: le distanze sociali durante il check-in e il rooming degli ospiti verranno garantite.

Disinfezione delle mani: il supporto igienizzante per le mani sarà facilmente disponibile per gli ospiti. Il disinfettante per le mani sarà disponibile per i colleghi dietro il bancone della reception. 

Norme igienico-sanitarie per hotel: adeguate informazioni sulle misure di prevenzione saranno visibili al ricevimento.

Sanificazione delle attrezzature: le aree toccate di frequente verranno disinfettate regolarmente, ad es. telefoni, terminali di pagamento, penne, bancone e barriera in plexiglass.

Interazioni senza contatto: saranno incoraggiate le opzioni di pagamento touchless e le ricevute via e-mail; i terminali di pagamento saranno disinfettati prima e dopo ogni transazione.

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Distanziamento sociale: verrà esposta una chiara segnaletica per disciplinare l'uso degli ascensori.

Sanificazione: sanificheremo i punti di contatto più frequente, ad es. intera cabina dell'ascensore, in particolare pulsanti di comando, con agente antimicrobico di livello medico.

Disinfezione delle mani: accanto agli ascensori sarà disponibile un supporto igienizzante per le mani.

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DPI per gli addetti alle camere: tutti i nostri addetti alle camere indosseranno i dispositivi di protezione come richiesto dalle linee guida sanitarie locali e nazionali.

Servizio di pulizie: il nostro servizio di pulizie continuerà una volta al giorno dalle ore 8:00 alle ore 14:00 al fine di ridurre al minimo l'esposizione da persona a persona.

Lenzuola e asciugamani: la nostra biancheria sarà gestita con estrema cura per prevenire l'innalzamento della polvere e la potenziale contaminazione; la biancheria usata verrà lavata ad almeno 70 °C per almeno 25 minuti per uccidere potenziali batteri.

Servizi igienico-sanitari in camera: i punti di contatto più frequente verranno disinfettati regolarmente, ad es. telefono, telecomando, maniglie, interruttori della luce, termostato, asciugacapelli, cassaforte, ecc.
Come già previsto dai nostri standard, useremo un set fresco e pulito di panni in microfibra per ogni stanza per evitare la contaminazione incrociata.

Utensili: bicchieri sporchi, porcellane e argenteria saranno rimossi dalle camere e lavati secondo procedure standard che ne garantiscono la sanificazione; le stoviglie sporche verranno lavate in lavastoviglie alla temperatura di 82 °C.

Aspirapolvere: sostituiremo i sacchetti di polvere con maggior frequenza, indipendentemente dal fatto che siano pieni o meno.

Cestini per rifiuti: saranno disinfettati con un detergente antimicrobico appropriato.

Ventilazione: ogni volta che viene effettuata la pulizia di una camera, faremo in modo che sia ventilata aprendo le finestre.

Tessuti: vaporizzeremo i tessuti periodicamente.

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DPI per addetti alle aree pubbliche: i nostri colleghi indosseranno i dispositivi di protezione come richiesto dalle linee guida sanitarie locali e nazionali applicate dala Direzione. Il COVID Manager monitorerà l'uso crretto dei DPI che saranno sostituiti o disinfettati secondo necessità.

Norme igienico-sanitarie in hotel: esporremo la segnaletica nelle aree pubbliche per ricordare ai nostri ospiti di osservare le distanze sociali, l'igiene delle mani e l'uso della mascherina nelle aree comuni al chiuso.

Distanziamento sociale: riorganizzeremo l’arredamento in modo tale da consentire un adeguato distanziamento sociale.

Igiene: sanificheremo tutti i punti di contatto frequente, ad es. telefoni, caricatori telefonici, braccioli per sedie, tavoli, corrimano, maniglie delle porte.

Toilette: forniremo un'alternativa usa e getta agli asciugamani, utilizzando salviette di carta e cestino con coperchio a pedale.

Tessuti: i nostri tessuti saranno periodicamente vaporizzati.

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DPI per camerieri: gli addetti al servizio indosseranno i dispositivi di protezione come richiesto dalle linee guida sanitarie locali e nazionali.

Disinfezione delle mani: gli addetti al servizio applicheranno misure igieniche obbligatorie per le mani. Il disinfettante per le mani sarà prontamente disponibile presso gli appositi stand dedicati e nel retro dei locali.

Distanziamento sociale all'ingresso: posizioneremo segnali, discreti ma visibili, per mantenere il distanziamento sociale.

Sala colazione e bar con distanziamento sociale: ridurremo il numero di tavoli per mantenere le norme di distanza sociale. I posti a sedere per i tavoli saranno ridotti per evitare che gli ospiti si trovino ad una distanza non conforme. I camerieri manterranno le distanze appropriate.

Biancheria da tavola: la biancheria continuerà a essere cambiata dopo che ogni ospite avrà lasciato il tavolo e lavata secondo i nostri standard di igiene.

Stile di servizio: forniremo esclusivamente il servizio "A la carte".

Menù: sostituiremo i nostri tradizionali menù cartacei con un formato digitale.

Sicurezza alimentare / HACCP *: Continueremo a osservare le più severe pratiche igieniche in tutte le aree dell'hotel.
* Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - Analisi del Pericolo e Controllo dei Punti Critici

Ventilazione: ventileremo tutti le aree dopo ogni pasto.

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DPI per camerieri: i nostri camerieri indosseranno i dispositivi di protezione come richiesto dalle linee guida sanitarie locali e nazionali;

Menù: sostituiremo i nostri tradizionali menù cartacei con un formato digitale.

Consegna / Recupero: ridurremo al minimo l'esposizione al contatto nelle camere degli ospiti o procederemo con la consegna senza contatto, lasciando tavoli e/o vassoi fuori dalla stanza, dopo aver bussato alla porta ed aver annunciato la consegna. Tutti i prodotti alimentari saranno coperti.

Disinfezione delle mani: i servizi igienico-sanitari obbligatori verranno applicati prima e/o dopo la consegna di un ordine.

Sicurezza alimentare / HACCP: continueremo a osservare le più severe pratiche igieniche su tutte le attrezzature di servizio.

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Controllo della temperatura: applicheremo controlli di temperatura obbligatori sui colleghi. Coloro che manifesteranno una temperatura superiore a 37,5 ° C, con o senza sintomi, verranno rimandati al proprio domicilio. Le informazioni verranno registrate e segnalate alla Direzione nel rispetto delle linee guida del GDPR.

Sintomi COVID-19: qualsiasi collega che soffre di mal di gola, tosse secca, mancanza di respiro, affaticamento, vomito e/o diarrea sarà invitato a tornare al proprio domicilio e contattare le Unità Sanitarie locali e nazionali.

Sanificazione delle mani: i nostri colleghi useranno il disinfettante per le mani prima e dopo il turno di lavoro.

Distanziamento sociale: ai nostri colleghi verrà sempre ordinato di non intrattenere conversazioni inutili e di applicare le norme sulla distanza sociale.

DPI dispositivi di protezione individuale: i nostri colleghi indosseranno i dispopsitivi di protezione come indicato dalla politica aziendale e/o dalle linee guida sanitarie locali e nazionali. Il COVID Manager monitorerà l'uso corretto dei DPI. I DPI verranno sostituiti o disinfettati secondo necessità.

Cambio delle divise: uniformi fresche saranno fornite a tutti i colleghi all'inizio di ogni turno.

Pulizia delle scarpe: le scarpe esterne utilizzate all'interno dell'hotel verranno pulite ogni giorno. La suola delle scarpe verrà pulita e disinfettata con un detergente antimicrobico mentre i colleghi entrano nell'edificio; La parte superiore delle scarpe sarà lucidata.

Distanziamento sociale: scaglioneremo i turni dei colleghi per far rispettare il distanziamento sociale ed eviteremo il sovraffollamento negli spogliatoi e nei locali di servizio. Tutti i colleghi si manterranno ad una distanza sociale di 1 metro.

Lavaggio delle mani e sanificazione: tutti i nostri colleghi saranno invitati ad una corretta igiene delle mani e a tutte le altre azioni preventive secondo le modalità indicate. I nostri spogliatoi saranno accuratamente disinfettati ogni giorno durante il turno di notte.

Lavandini: I lavandini saranno completamente equipaggiati delle misure necessarie, con salviette imbevute di liquido igienizzante. Faremo anche in modo che tutti i nostri cestini per lo sporco siano provvisti di coperchio a pedale.

Dispositivi di sanificazione con alcool: dispositivi di sanificazione mani con alcool verranno posizionati in punti strategici.

Segnaletica di igiene personale: sarà esposta apposita segnaletica in aree ben visibili, che rammentino ai colleghi quali siano le azioni preventive da osservare, come da disposizioni.

Abbigliamento esterno ed effetti personali: questi oggetti saranno conservati all'interno degli armadietti dei colleghi.

Monitoraggio: Gli spogliatoi dei colleghi saranno regolarmente monitorati per garantire che siano funzionali, attrezzati e dotati di dispositivi di disinfezione delle mani con alcool. I contenitori dello sporco saranno svuotati e gli assembramenti saranno evitati all'inizio e alla fine di ogni turno.

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Dispositivi di disinfezione mani con alcool: dispositivi di disinfezione mani ad alcool verranno posizionati in punti strategici.

Distanziamento sociale: riorganizzeremo i nostri uffici seguendo le linee guida del distanziamento sociale; Le postazioni di lavoro saranno appropriatamente modificate per garantire la distanza di sicurezza. Laddove non sarà possibile riorganizzare gli uffici, una parte dei colleghi lavorerà in smart working o in altre aree dell'hotel.

Smart working: implementeremo lo smart working, entro limiti ragionevoli per i colleghi con ruoli amministrativi la cui presenza fisica in albergo non è essenziale.

Punti di contatto più frequente: le superfici toccate frequentemente verranno disinfettate regolarmente, ad es. tavoli e sedie, maniglie delle porte, interruttori della luce, termostati, telefoni, tastiera, mouse, stampante, fotocopiatrice, scanner, ecc.

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Addetto al ricevimento delle merci: il nostro team continuerà a osservare eccellenti standard di igiene, nonché linee guida sul distanziamento sociale.

Ricezione della merce: in linea con gli standard HACCP, qualsiasi alimento trasportato in contenitori o veicoli sporchi verrà rifiutato e la consegna di cibo sfuso scoraggiata.

Dispositivi di disinfezione mani con alcol: forniamo disinfettanti a base di alcol nella nostra area di carico a disposizione di colleghi e fornitori.

Pulizia e igiene: la nostra area di ricevimento merci e il vano di carico saranno puliti e disinfettati a intervalli regolari.

Pulizia delle merci e dei carrelli consegnati: prima e dopo ogni consegna verranno applicate le corrette operazioni di pulizia e disinfezione.

Articoli refrigerati e congelati: gli imballaggi degli alimenti saranno disinfettati con appropriati detergenti, prima di essere trasferiti in frigoriferi e/o congelatori. Ove possibile l'imballaggio esterno verrà rimosso.

Fornitori: tutti i nostri fornitori consegnano secondo gli orari programmati e non sono autorizzati a scaricare i loro prodotti contemporaneamente per mantenere le distanze. Ai nostri fornitori e conducenti è precluso l'accesso alle aree non autorizzate e sono obbligati all'osservanza delle nostre linee guida.

Raccolta dei rifiuti: la nostra raccolta dei rifiuti è programmata in modo che non coincida con le consegne di biancheria e cibo.

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Sanificazione: sterilizzeremo i punti di contatto più frequente, ad es. sedie, maniglie, interruttori, ecc. con salviette disinfettanti o salviette di carta usa e getta imbibite di Suma Bac D10

Distanziamento sociale: garantiremo le istruzioni sanitarie, per limitare il numero di colleghi ammessi contemporaneamente.

Disinfezione delle mani: la sanificazione delle mani è obbligatoria con l'aiuto di un dispenser disinfettante per le mani, ben visibile.

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Servizi igienico-sanitari: la nostra cucina continuerà ad essere disinfettata a intervalli regolari come stabilito dai programmi di pulizia dell'hotel.

Distanziamento sociale: limiteremo il numero di colleghi al minimo richiesto. Ridurremo le interazioni tra i singoli colleghi. Le postazioni di lavoro saranno posizionate in modo tale che i colleghi non si trovino uno di fronte all'altro e possano mantenere un'adeguata distanza sociale.

DPI: tutti i nostri colleghi indosseranno dispositivi di sicurezza come stabilito dalle procedure HACCP e dalle schede di sicurezza MSDS. Tutti gli articoli saranno disinfettati, puliti e sostituiti.

Sanificazione di frutta e verdura: garantiamo un'adeguata pulizia delle verdure utilizzando agenti igienizzanti approvati.

Disinfezione di attrezzature, utensili e strumenti alimentari: continuiamo a pulire e disinfettare i punti di contatto più frequente, ad es. attrezzature e superfici di contatto per alimenti, inclusi taglieri, come stabilito dalle procedure HACCP.

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Distanziamento sociale: le postazioni di lavoro saranno posizionate in modo da garantire le dovute distanze sociali.

DPI: tutti i nostri colleghi indosseranno mascherine e guanti monouso durante la lavorazione di biancheria sporca.

Consegna / Recupero di articoli per gli ospiti: il servizio non è momentaneamente disponibile.

Programmi di lavaggio: continuiamo ad attuare programmi di lavaggio per ogni tipo di biancheria, utilizzando prodotti per la pulizia e l'igiene Diversey.

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- Purpose

- Scope

















This document is designated to provide information on measures being taken by Hotel Barocco about COVID-19.

The document outlines a minimum set of standards we are setting in terms of Safety & Sanitation to protect the wellbeing of our guests, business partners and colleagues alike during the prevailing COVID-19 era. This document was prepared based on evidence currently available about COVID-19.


This document is valid for Hotel Barocco and our minimum expectations are being applied and maintained consistently until new guidelines from the World Health Organisation are published, and/or a vaccine is readily available in the market.

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Formalities: for our pre-booked guests, all check-in formalities will be completed online, where possible, in order to reduce contact and time at Reception.

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Temperature check: our door attendants and Front Desk will wear PPE as required by local health guidelines. Where the perspex panel is installed, the Front Desk staff will not be obliged to wear the mask.
Mandatory temperature checks may be performed at entrance.

Hand disinfection: we encourage mandatory hand sanitation on arrival and will provide hand sanitiser.

Febrile guests: guests who at the time of check-in have a fever of 37.5 C° or above will not be able to access the hotel. Should a guest, while staying with us, have a temperature of 37.5 C° or above they will need to return immediately to their room and wait for the health authorities to intervene.

Luggage Disinfection: we will seek approval from guests to disinfect exterior of guest luggage with medical-grade antimicrobial agent ensuring the luggage remains locked/sealed; we will exercise caution when handling luggage made of leather/delicate fabrics.

Provision of PPE to guest on arrival: we will provide masks where required by local health guidelines, should guests not already have their own.

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PPE for Receptionists: a surgical mask is not necessary when working behind a desk which is protected by a plexiglass screen.

PPE for Porters: the use of a surgical mask is mandatory.

Social Distancing: colleagues will observe social distancing whilst checking in and rooming guests.

Hand disinfection: hand sanitiser stand will be readily available to guests; hand sanitiser will be available to colleagues behind the Reception counter.

Hotel Sanitation Norms: guidelines will be displayed at Reception/Guest Services.

Sanitising of Equipment: frequently touched areas will be disinfected regularly e.g. telephones, payment terminals, pens, counter and Perspex shield.

Touchless Interactions: touchless payment options and e-mail receipts will be encouraged. Payment terminals will be disinfected before and after each transaction.

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Social Distancing: clear signage will be displayed to avoid overcrowding in elevators.

Sanitation: we will sanitise high-touch point areas e.g. entire elevator cabin, especially operating buttons, with medical-grade antimicrobial agent.

Hand disinfection: a hand sanitiser stand will be available next to elevators.

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PPE for Room Attendants: all our room attendants will wear protective gear as required by local health guidelines.

Housekeeping Service: our housekeeping service will continue once a day, from 8 am to 2 pm in order to minimize person-to-person exposure.

Bed Linen & Towels: our linen will be handled with extreme care to prevent raising dust and potential contamination. Used linen will be washed at a minimum of 70°C for at least 25 mins to kill potential bacteria.

In-Room Sanitation: frequently touched areas will be disinfected regularly e.g. telephone, remote control, door/window/wardrobe handles, toilet seat/flusher, faucets, shower controls, light switches, thermostat, hair dryer, minibar door, bottle opener, guest directory, in-room dining menu, safe, etc.
As already foreseen in our standards, we will use a fresh, clean set of microfibre cloths for each room to avoid cross-contamination.

Utensils: dirty glassware, china and silverware will be removed from rooms and processed by our stewarding teams; dirty items will be cleaned in efficient dishwashers operating at a rinse of 82°C.

Vacuum Cleaners: we will replace the dust bags every four days, regardless whether they are full or not.

Bins: we will disinfect bins with appropriate anti-microbial cleaning agent.

Ventilation: each time a room is serviced, we will ensure it is ventilated by opening window(s) - where applicable

Soft Furnishings: we will steam furnishings periodically

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PPE for Public Area Attendants: our colleagues will wear protective gear as required by local health guidelines; these guidelines will be enforced by management; our supervisors will monitor the proper use of PPE.

Hotel Sanitation Norms: we will display signage in public areas to remind our guests and visitors to observe social distancing, handwashing / hand-sanitising.

Social Distancing: we will rearrange furniture in such a way that it allows for proper social distancing.

Sanitation: we will sanitise all high-touch points e.g. telephones, phone chargers, chair arms, tables, handrails, door handles, toilet seat/flusher.

Restrooms: we will provide a disposable alternative to hand dryers e.g. paper towels along with pedal-operated lidded bin.

Soft Furnishings: our soft furnishings will be steamed periodically.

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PPE for Waiters & Hostesses: our colleagues will wear protective gear as required by local health guidelines.

Hand disinfection: mandatory hand sanitation will be enforced for our colleagues; hand sanitiser will be readily available to colleagues at the Hostess stands and in the back of the house.

Social Distancing at Entrance: we will place discreet, yet visible markings to maintain social distancing.

Social Distancing Dining Room: we will reduce the number of tables to maintain social distancing norms; Seating for the tables will be reduced and some cases chairs will be placed to avoid diners facing each other. Tables will be appropriately set apart from each other. Servers will apply appropriate distancing.

Table Linen: our linen will continue to be changed after each party has left and laundered as per our hygiene standards.

Placemats: our placemats will be changed and disinfected after each party has left; Disposable paper napkins may be provided as an alternative; tabletops and chair arms will be disinfected regularly.

Service Style: we will exclusively provide 'A La Carte' service for breakfast.

Salt & Pepper Cruets: we will remove salt & pepper cruets and any other condiments e.g. Tabasco, Ketchup, etc. 
but offer these as served by the waiting team.

Menus: we will replace our conventional menu folders with digital documents.

Food Safety/HACCP*: we will continue to observe the strictest good hygiene practices across all areas of the hotel. 
* Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

Ventilation: we will ventilate all areas after each meal period.

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PPE for Waiters: our waiters will wear protective gear as required by local health guidelines;

Menu: we may reduce existing menus to key staple items.

Delivery/Retrieval: we will minimize exposure in guest rooms as much as possible or offer guest contactless delivery by leaving tables/trays outside the room after knocking at the door and announcing delivery; All food items will be covered in transit.

Hand disinfection: mandatory hand sanitation will be enforced pre-/post-delivery of an order.

Food Safety/HACCP: we will continue to observe the strictest good hygiene practices on items such as salt & pepper cruets, flower vase, hot boxes, trays, etc.

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Temperature check: we will enforce mandatory temperature checks on colleagues; colleagues running a temperature of more than 37,5° C, with/without symptoms will be sent home; records to be kept; status will be reported to Management, strictly following GDPR guidelines

COVID-19 symptoms: any colleague suffering from sore throat, dry cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, vomiting and / or diarrhoea will be asked to return home and contact their local Public Health centre.

Hand sanitisation: our colleagues will use hand sanitiser before and after clocking in to work.

Social distancing: our colleagues will always be instructed not to engage in unnecessary conversations and apply social distancing regulations.

Personal Protective Equipment PPE: colleagues will be given PPE as indicated by Company Policy and/or local health guidelines; Supervisors will monitor the proper use of PPE; PPE to be replaced and disinfected as required.

Changing of uniforms: fresh uniforms (e.g. items that directly touch the skin such as shirt, blouse, or Chef's jackets/aprons) will be provided to all colleagues at onset of each shift

Worn uniforms: worn colleague uniforms will be deposited to Laundry after the shift.

Cleaning of shoes: outer shoes used inside hotel will be cleaned every day. Sole of shoes will be cleaned and disinfected with anti-microbial cleaning agent as colleagues enter building; Top of shoes will be polished.

Social distancing: we will stagger colleague shifts to enforce social distancing amongst colleagues and departments; 15-minute slots will prevent overcrowding in the locker rooms and rest rooms; All colleagues will comply with the 2m social distancing rules.

Hand washing & sanitisation: all our colleagues advised to enforce hand hygiene, coughing etiquette and respiratory hygiene; our locker rooms will be thoroughly disinfected every day during overnight shift.

Wash hand basins (WHB): WHB will be fully equipped with necessary utilities. Hot water, bactericidal liquid s towels. We will also ensure that all our bins are lidded pedal-operated and lined.

Alcohol hand-rub: alcohol-rub will be affixed at strategic points.

Personal Hygiene Posters: we are displaying prominent signage, affixed in conspicuous areas including notice boards reminding colleagues to enforce strict cough etiquette, hand washing and hand sanitisation.

Outer clothing and personal belongings: these items will be kept inside colleague lockers.

Monitoring: our colleague locker rooms will be regularly monitored to ensure that WHB are functional and equipped, alcohol hand-rub will be readily available, bins emptied, and overcrowding will be avoided especially at start and end shifts.

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Alcohol hand-rub: we will ensure that alcohol-rub will be affixed at strategic points.

Social distancing: we will rearrange our offices to apply to social distancing regulations; Colleague workstations are where possible no longer facing each other. Where the rearranging of offices is not possible, we will assign 50% of colleagues to work from home, or other areas in the hotel, whilst the other 50% are in the office.

Working from Home: we will implement 'Working from Home', within reason, for colleagues in administrative roles whose physical presence on property is not essential.

Key high-touch points: frequently touched surfaces will be disinfected regularly, e.g. tables and chairs, door handles, light switches, thermostats, telephones, keyboard, mice, hot water kettle, printer/copier/scanner, etc.

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Goods Receiver: our team will continue to observe excellent hygiene standards as well as social distancing guidelines.

Receipt of goods: in line with HACCP standards, any food transported in dirty containers or dirty vehicles will be rejected and the delivery of loose food discouraged.

Alcohol hand-rub: we provide alcohol-sanitisers in our loading bay for colleague and supplier use.

Cleaning and sanitation: our goods receiving area and loading bay will be cleaned and disinfected at regular intervals.

Cleaning of delivered goods and carts: proper cleaning and disinfecting will be enforced before and after every delivery.

Quarantine items: we quarantine, and date code received food and food contact goods and store them appropriately in marked stores.

Chilled and frozen items: all food packaging items will be sanitised using appropriate cleaning agents, before taken into refrigerators and/or freezers, where possible outer packaging to be removed on unloading.

Suppliers: all our suppliers deliver as per scheduled times and are not allowed to unload their products at the same time; in order for distancing to the observed; our Suppliers and Drivers are not allowed to proceed beyond the demarcation line.

Waste collection: our waste collection is scheduled in order that it does not coincide with during linen and food deliveries.

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Sanitation: sanitise key high-touch points e.g. entire elevator cabin, especially operating buttons, with disinfecting wipes or disposable paper towels sprayed with Suma Bac D10

Social distancing: we will ensure that H&S instructions to guarantee the maximun number of colleagues allowed at one time. Where possible, we will implement a one-way traffic in corridors.

Hand disinfection: hand sanitation is mandatory with help of hand sanitiser dispenser, prominently displayed.

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Sanitation: our kitchen will continue to be sanitised at regular intervals as dictated by hotel cleaning schedules.

Social distancing: we will limit the number of colleagues to the minimum required; our colleagues will be organised into teams to reduce interactions between individual colleagues. Workstations will be placed in such a way that colleagues are not facing each other and can maintain appropriate social distance.

PPE: all our colleagues wear disposable masks, gloves, hair nets and all other safety gear as dictated by HACCP based Policies and cleaning chemicals MSDS. All items will be sanitised, cleaned and replaced as per local policies.

Menu planning: initially we will run limited menus for quality assurance.

Vegetable and fruit sanitisation: we ensure proper cleaning of vegetables using approved sanitising agents.

Disinfection of food equipment, utensils and tools: we continue to clean and disinfect key high-touch points e.g. food equipment and food contact surfaces including chopping boards as dictated by the Company HACCP.

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Social distancing: our colleague workstations are being placed in such a way that colleagues can maintain appropriate social distances.

PPE: all our colleagues will wear disposable masks and gloves when processing soiled linen.

Delivery/Retrieval of Guest Items: the service is temporarly unaivailable.

Washing Programs: we continue to operate washing programs for each type of linen, using Diversey cleaning and hygiene products.

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- Purpose

- Scope

















This document is designated to provide information on measures being taken by Hotel Barocco about COVID-19.

The document outlines a minimum set of standards we are setting in terms of Safety & Sanitation to protect the wellbeing of our guests, business partners and colleagues alike during the prevailing COVID-19 era. This document was prepared based on evidence currently available about COVID-19.


This document is valid for Hotel Barocco and our minimum expectations are being applied and maintained consistently until new guidelines from the World Health Organisation are published, and/or a vaccine is readily available in the market.

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Formalities: for our pre-booked guests, all check-in formalities will be completed online, where possible, in order to reduce contact and time at Reception.

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Temperature check: our door attendants and Front Desk will wear PPE as required by local health guidelines. Where the perspex panel is installed, the Front Desk staff will not be obliged to wear the mask.
Mandatory temperature checks may be performed at entrance.

Hand disinfection: we encourage mandatory hand sanitation on arrival and will provide hand sanitiser.

Febrile guests: guests who at the time of check-in have a fever of 37.5 C° or above will not be able to access the hotel. Should a guest, while staying with us, have a temperature of 37.5 C° or above they will need to return immediately to their room and wait for the health authorities to intervene.

Luggage Disinfection: we will seek approval from guests to disinfect exterior of guest luggage with medical-grade antimicrobial agent ensuring the luggage remains locked/sealed; we will exercise caution when handling luggage made of leather/delicate fabrics.

Provision of PPE to guest on arrival: we will provide masks where required by local health guidelines, should guests not already have their own.

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PPE for Receptionists: a surgical mask is not necessary when working behind a desk which is protected by a plexiglass screen.

PPE for Porters: the use of a surgical mask is mandatory.

Social Distancing: colleagues will observe social distancing whilst checking in and rooming guests.

Hand disinfection: hand sanitiser stand will be readily available to guests; hand sanitiser will be available to colleagues behind the Reception counter.

Hotel Sanitation Norms: guidelines will be displayed at Reception/Guest Services.

Sanitising of Equipment: frequently touched areas will be disinfected regularly e.g. telephones, payment terminals, pens, counter and Perspex shield.

Touchless Interactions: touchless payment options and e-mail receipts will be encouraged. Payment terminals will be disinfected before and after each transaction.

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Social Distancing: clear signage will be displayed to avoid overcrowding in elevators.

Sanitation: we will sanitise high-touch point areas e.g. entire elevator cabin, especially operating buttons, with medical-grade antimicrobial agent.

Hand disinfection: a hand sanitiser stand will be available next to elevators.

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PPE for Room Attendants: all our room attendants will wear protective gear as required by local health guidelines.

Housekeeping Service: our housekeeping service will continue once a day, from 8 am to 2 pm in order to minimize person-to-person exposure.

Bed Linen & Towels: our linen will be handled with extreme care to prevent raising dust and potential contamination. Used linen will be washed at a minimum of 70°C for at least 25 mins to kill potential bacteria.

In-Room Sanitation: frequently touched areas will be disinfected regularly e.g. telephone, remote control, door/window/wardrobe handles, toilet seat/flusher, faucets, shower controls, light switches, thermostat, hair dryer, minibar door, bottle opener, guest directory, in-room dining menu, safe, etc.
As already foreseen in our standards, we will use a fresh, clean set of microfibre cloths for each room to avoid cross-contamination.

Utensils: dirty glassware, china and silverware will be removed from rooms and processed by our stewarding teams; dirty items will be cleaned in efficient dishwashers operating at a rinse of 82°C.

Vacuum Cleaners: we will replace the dust bags every four days, regardless whether they are full or not.

Bins: we will disinfect bins with appropriate anti-microbial cleaning agent.

Ventilation: each time a room is serviced, we will ensure it is ventilated by opening window(s) - where applicable

Soft Furnishings: we will steam furnishings periodically

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PPE for Public Area Attendants: our colleagues will wear protective gear as required by local health guidelines; these guidelines will be enforced by management; our supervisors will monitor the proper use of PPE.

Hotel Sanitation Norms: we will display signage in public areas to remind our guests and visitors to observe social distancing, handwashing / hand-sanitising.

Social Distancing: we will rearrange furniture in such a way that it allows for proper social distancing.

Sanitation: we will sanitise all high-touch points e.g. telephones, phone chargers, chair arms, tables, handrails, door handles, toilet seat/flusher.

Restrooms: we will provide a disposable alternative to hand dryers e.g. paper towels along with pedal-operated lidded bin.

Soft Furnishings: our soft furnishings will be steamed periodically.

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PPE for Waiters & Hostesses: our colleagues will wear protective gear as required by local health guidelines.

Hand disinfection: mandatory hand sanitation will be enforced for our colleagues; hand sanitiser will be readily available to colleagues at the Hostess stands and in the back of the house.

Social Distancing at Entrance: we will place discreet, yet visible markings to maintain social distancing.

Social Distancing Dining Room: we will reduce the number of tables to maintain social distancing norms; Seating for the tables will be reduced and some cases chairs will be placed to avoid diners facing each other. Tables will be appropriately set apart from each other. Servers will apply appropriate distancing.

Table Linen: our linen will continue to be changed after each party has left and laundered as per our hygiene standards.

Placemats: our placemats will be changed and disinfected after each party has left; Disposable paper napkins may be provided as an alternative; tabletops and chair arms will be disinfected regularly.

Service Style: we will exclusively provide 'A La Carte' service for breakfast.

Salt & Pepper Cruets: we will remove salt & pepper cruets and any other condiments e.g. Tabasco, Ketchup, etc. 
but offer these as served by the waiting team.

Menus: we will replace our conventional menu folders with digital documents.

Food Safety/HACCP*: we will continue to observe the strictest good hygiene practices across all areas of the hotel. 
* Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

Ventilation: we will ventilate all areas after each meal period.

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PPE for Waiters: our waiters will wear protective gear as required by local health guidelines;

Menu: we may reduce existing menus to key staple items.

Delivery/Retrieval: we will minimize exposure in guest rooms as much as possible or offer guest contactless delivery by leaving tables/trays outside the room after knocking at the door and announcing delivery; All food items will be covered in transit.

Hand disinfection: mandatory hand sanitation will be enforced pre-/post-delivery of an order.

Food Safety/HACCP: we will continue to observe the strictest good hygiene practices on items such as salt & pepper cruets, flower vase, hot boxes, trays, etc.

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Temperature check: we will enforce mandatory temperature checks on colleagues; colleagues running a temperature of more than 37,5° C, with/without symptoms will be sent home; records to be kept; status will be reported to Management, strictly following GDPR guidelines

COVID-19 symptoms: any colleague suffering from sore throat, dry cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, vomiting and / or diarrhoea will be asked to return home and contact their local Public Health centre.

Hand sanitisation: our colleagues will use hand sanitiser before and after clocking in to work.

Social distancing: our colleagues will always be instructed not to engage in unnecessary conversations and apply social distancing regulations.

Personal Protective Equipment PPE: colleagues will be given PPE as indicated by Company Policy and/or local health guidelines; Supervisors will monitor the proper use of PPE; PPE to be replaced and disinfected as required.

Changing of uniforms: fresh uniforms (e.g. items that directly touch the skin such as shirt, blouse, or Chef's jackets/aprons) will be provided to all colleagues at onset of each shift

Worn uniforms: worn colleague uniforms will be deposited to Laundry after the shift.

Cleaning of shoes: outer shoes used inside hotel will be cleaned every day. Sole of shoes will be cleaned and disinfected with anti-microbial cleaning agent as colleagues enter building; Top of shoes will be polished.

Social distancing: we will stagger colleague shifts to enforce social distancing amongst colleagues and departments; 15-minute slots will prevent overcrowding in the locker rooms and rest rooms; All colleagues will comply with the 2m social distancing rules.

Hand washing & sanitisation: all our colleagues advised to enforce hand hygiene, coughing etiquette and respiratory hygiene; our locker rooms will be thoroughly disinfected every day during overnight shift.

Wash hand basins (WHB): WHB will be fully equipped with necessary utilities. Hot water, bactericidal liquid s towels. We will also ensure that all our bins are lidded pedal-operated and lined.

Alcohol hand-rub: alcohol-rub will be affixed at strategic points.

Personal Hygiene Posters: we are displaying prominent signage, affixed in conspicuous areas including notice boards reminding colleagues to enforce strict cough etiquette, hand washing and hand sanitisation.

Outer clothing and personal belongings: these items will be kept inside colleague lockers.

Monitoring: our colleague locker rooms will be regularly monitored to ensure that WHB are functional and equipped, alcohol hand-rub will be readily available, bins emptied, and overcrowding will be avoided especially at start and end shifts.

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Alcohol hand-rub: we will ensure that alcohol-rub will be affixed at strategic points.

Social distancing: we will rearrange our offices to apply to social distancing regulations; Colleague workstations are where possible no longer facing each other. Where the rearranging of offices is not possible, we will assign 50% of colleagues to work from home, or other areas in the hotel, whilst the other 50% are in the office.

Working from Home: we will implement 'Working from Home', within reason, for colleagues in administrative roles whose physical presence on property is not essential.

Key high-touch points: frequently touched surfaces will be disinfected regularly, e.g. tables and chairs, door handles, light switches, thermostats, telephones, keyboard, mice, hot water kettle, printer/copier/scanner, etc.

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Goods Receiver: our team will continue to observe excellent hygiene standards as well as social distancing guidelines.

Receipt of goods: in line with HACCP standards, any food transported in dirty containers or dirty vehicles will be rejected and the delivery of loose food discouraged.

Alcohol hand-rub: we provide alcohol-sanitisers in our loading bay for colleague and supplier use.

Cleaning and sanitation: our goods receiving area and loading bay will be cleaned and disinfected at regular intervals.

Cleaning of delivered goods and carts: proper cleaning and disinfecting will be enforced before and after every delivery.

Quarantine items: we quarantine, and date code received food and food contact goods and store them appropriately in marked stores.

Chilled and frozen items: all food packaging items will be sanitised using appropriate cleaning agents, before taken into refrigerators and/or freezers, where possible outer packaging to be removed on unloading.

Suppliers: all our suppliers deliver as per scheduled times and are not allowed to unload their products at the same time; in order for distancing to the observed; our Suppliers and Drivers are not allowed to proceed beyond the demarcation line.

Waste collection: our waste collection is scheduled in order that it does not coincide with during linen and food deliveries.

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Sanitation: sanitise key high-touch points e.g. entire elevator cabin, especially operating buttons, with disinfecting wipes or disposable paper towels sprayed with Suma Bac D10

Social distancing: we will ensure that H&S instructions to guarantee the maximun number of colleagues allowed at one time. Where possible, we will implement a one-way traffic in corridors.

Hand disinfection: hand sanitation is mandatory with help of hand sanitiser dispenser, prominently displayed.

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Sanitation: our kitchen will continue to be sanitised at regular intervals as dictated by hotel cleaning schedules.

Social distancing: we will limit the number of colleagues to the minimum required; our colleagues will be organised into teams to reduce interactions between individual colleagues. Workstations will be placed in such a way that colleagues are not facing each other and can maintain appropriate social distance.

PPE: all our colleagues wear disposable masks, gloves, hair nets and all other safety gear as dictated by HACCP based Policies and cleaning chemicals MSDS. All items will be sanitised, cleaned and replaced as per local policies.

Menu planning: initially we will run limited menus for quality assurance.

Vegetable and fruit sanitisation: we ensure proper cleaning of vegetables using approved sanitising agents.

Disinfection of food equipment, utensils and tools: we continue to clean and disinfect key high-touch points e.g. food equipment and food contact surfaces including chopping boards as dictated by the Company HACCP.

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Social distancing: our colleague workstations are being placed in such a way that colleagues can maintain appropriate social distances.

PPE: all our colleagues will wear disposable masks and gloves when processing soiled linen.

Delivery/Retrieval of Guest Items: the service is temporarly unaivailable.

Washing Programs: we continue to operate washing programs for each type of linen, using Diversey cleaning and hygiene products.

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